Learning and Development

You will see programme’s for learning and supporting children’s development based on knowledge about your child and other children in centre.
You will see staff interacting with children and role modeling non discriminatory behaviour.
You will be able to discuss your child’s development and see records that demonstrate the planning and implementation of goals for your child as part of this group.

Communication and Consultation

There will be opportunities for you, your whanau and members from the community to talk with staff at the centre about the vision for the centre.
You will be made welcome in the centre and invited to talk abut your requirements and aspirations for your child.

Operation and Administration

You will be informed about how the centre operates and its financial management.
You will be invited to be involved in the development and/or review of the charter, centre goals and the policies which support these goals.

Who is responsible for making this happen?

The responsibility for implementing this is shared between the educators and management.
Educators are responsible for the areas of learning and development, and some of the consultation and communication objectives.

Te Whãriki Early Childhood Curriculum
(Ministry of Education 1996)


Curriculum describes everything that happens in the centre that impacts on your child’s learning, development and well being. Everything that happens to your child has the potential to be a learning experience and so the curriculum covers:

  • The interactions children have with adults and other children.
  • The learning experiences teachers plan.
  • The activities children initiate for themselves.
  • The daily routines that occur.

‘Te Whãriki’ is the title of the early childhood curriculum which provides guidelines for educators providing an early childhood programme. Te Whãriki is based on four principals that mean all the events, routines and activities that offer learning opportunities should:

EMPOWER children to learn. (WHAKAMANA)

See children as HOLISTIC learners who will be developing and learning a wide range of new skills and knowledge through many different experiences according to their own interests, at the same time. (KOTAHITANGA)

Acknowledge the important and influential role FAMILY AND COMMUNITY play in the provision of the curriculum. (WHÃNAU TANGATA)

Allow children opportunities to be involved in RESPONSIVE, RECIPORICAL RELATIONSHIPS. (NGÃ HONOGA)

How will I see this affecting my child?

You will see Teachers will be taking time to observe your child in the centre, and work with your child in areas he or she shows interest. Your child will be learning new skills. Teachers understand that children learn best when they are interested and motivated by intriguing, challenging and fun activities and resources.

Teachers will be able to explain what the goals are for your child and how the programme is helping your child to achieve them.

You will notice links between the goals of the Te Whãriki and goals for your child when you talk to teachers or read your child’s records.
You will notice the areas you have discussed with your child’s teacher reflected in goals that have been set for him or her.

Who is responsible for ensuring this happens for your child?

The Educators, or those teachers and staff responsible for teaching and learning programmes will be using Te Whãriki to guide the way they work with children and plan, deliver and evaluate the programme.

Where can I find out more about Te Whãriki; 

The centre will have copies of Te Whãriki, the early childhood curriculum, for you to look at. As you discuss your child with educators you will learn how the principles and goals described in Te Whãriki underpin and support learning and development for children aged birth to school age support your child.